Laser recognition(component recognition) error
Laser Recognition ( component Recognition) Errors: 1, The surface of the laser sensor is stained. - clean the surface of the laser sensor 2, Data entry error in the laser position field on the component data screen. - specify the height that allows the sy [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
Component pick-up errors
Component pick-up errors 1, Data entry error in the field of component pick-up coordinates(X, Y) on the pick data screen. For a tray component, values in the pilot position fields and those in the pitch between components fields become the initial values [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
Solutions for component placement error
Only a certain type of component is placed at the wrong position 1, placement data entry error - set the correct coordinates on the placement data screen ( by checking the CAD coordinates or performing a teaching operation again). 2, If you use CAD da [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
How to deal with component placement angle error?
Component placement angle error 1, Data entry error in the angle field of the placement data screen Enter the component placement angle again 2, Data entry error in the supply angle field of the component data screen. The component placement angle for PWB [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
solve the component placement error occurs at only part of a board
A component placement error occurs at only part of a board. 1, Data entry error of X- and Y- coordinates on the placement data screen. - set the correct coordinates on the placement data screen( by checking the CAD coordinates or performing a teaching [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
How to create component placement error?
Component placement positions are shifted in various directions over the entire board(coordinates are shifted in the different way depending on a board). Any BOC mark is not used. in this case, the component placement precision tends to vary depending [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
How to corrective component placement errors?
Component placement errors Component placement errors occur over the entire board( this error occurs on each board repeatedly): there are below 5 causes: 1, Data entry error of X- and Y- coordinated on the placement data screen Corrective action, reset th [Read More] Dec 19, 2021
JUKI Parts recommended to be replaced on a regular basis
The component that have to be replaced on regular basis due to wear or degradation other than expendables are shown in the table below. Regardless of whether a device is described in the table below or not, all air devices have to be replaced with new one [Read More] Dec 18, 2021
What is the consumable parts of juki ke2070 machine?
JUKI KE2070 KE2080 KE2080R Consumable Parts List [Read More] Dec 18, 2021
Three Steps of Daily Maintenance JUKI Machine
JUKI KE2070 KE2080 KE2080R Maintenance [Read More] Dec 15, 2021